Minaki School has friendship with Imberhorne school of UK.EVERY YEAR THERE IS EXCHANGE OF STUDENT AND TEACHERS FROM BOTH SCHOOLS.

The group visiting Minaki in October 2013 are:

·         James Turner
·         Kerry Stradling – teaches Psychology
·         Nathaniel (Nat) Trueman. He studies Physics, Further Maths & French
·         Robert (Rob) Mather. He studies Physics, Biology, Maths & Photography
·         Ben Bartrop. He studies Chemistry, Economics, Maths & French
·         Matthew Didon. He studies Electronics, Music Technology, Media studies & Photography
·         Jake Howard. He studies History, Maths, Biology & Spanish
·         Hannah Lilley. She studies Economics, English Literature, Psychology & Theatre
·         Elouise (Ellie) Warboys. She studies Chemistry, Biology, Maths & Theatre
·         Florence (Flo) Russell. She studies History, English Literature, Spanish & Theatre
·         Marianna Campanaro. She studies History, Geography, Psychology & Italian
·         Stephanie (Steph) Brown. She studies Maths, Chemistry, Biology & Geography
·         Tamsin Ghansam. She studies Geography, Politics, Biology & Psychology
·         Sally Cutter. She studies Chemistry, Biology, Maths & Theatre

Stay visit.

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